
I’m Rhi and I live with my husband, Sam, in rural England. We spend all of our time together and rarely do anything without the other.

rocks2We probably aren’t your typical mid/late 20-year olds. I can’t remember the last time we stayed out late in a bar, never mind went clubbing. We don’t even drink alcohol during the week; we love tea, hence the title of this blog!

We’re both foodies and enjoy eating out. Whilst I try to follow a recipe at home, I usually go off on a tangent and it turns out nothing like how I’d hoped! We both have ‘healthy’ appetites and enjoy a Mediterranean-style diet – plus plenty of choccie biccies. My family have been vegetarian for over 20 years and whilst I do eat meat, its not a huge part of my diet.

Over the last few years we’ve developed a love of the great outdoors. I never appreciated the countryside when I was younger. Fast forward 10-15 years and I wonder why I ever thought an urban lifestyle was for me. Its not. And as soon as I realised that I headed back to the wide open countryside where I’ve been ever since.

There’s nothing better than roaming around the quiet country lanes in wellie boots, listening to the owls at night (we have one in our back garden) and having a warm cup of tea overlooking the rolling fields. Not any cup of tea I should hasten to add, ideally a cup of Earl Grey leaf tea. But beggars can’t always be choosers.

This blog is about our life; the up, downs and everything in between. Here you’ll find our favourite recipes, see our wanderings and, hopefully, delight in the little things in life that bring us joy.  These pages contain my musings (and probably mutterings, grumblings and sighs too!) – and its likely I’ll have a cup of tea in hand whilst writing it.